Network device was not recognized / Bug Reports / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2009-10-20 18:52

Registered: 2009-10-20
Posts: 5

Network device was not recognized

To my wifi and ethernet adapter I started to use CDMA modem. In the list of network adapters the NSM shows all devices, but when I choose the CDMA modem, the NSM says "Network device was not recognized" and wants to choose network card. Any idea for the solution, please? I am getting crazy from trying anything, reinstalling, rebooting, recreating WMI services (first the problem was as it is described in the FAQ - stop during "using new settings").


#2 2009-10-20 20:02

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,878

Re: Network device was not recognized

When exactly and in what way do you get the error "Network device was not recognized"? I'm asking this, because this not a text included in NetSetMan - so it must come directly from Windows. It would help to know when exactly it is triggered.

Two notes:
1. Make sure to hit Refresh to update all the information about available network adapters.

2. Make sure that your modem allowes manual IP settings. Usually this is not possible, because a modem gets the IP from the providor without the possibility to set it manually. Go to Network Connections, right-click the device and choose Properties. If there is not IPv4-protocol listed then that device doesn't allow IP configuration.


#3 2009-11-03 16:19

Registered: 2009-10-20
Posts: 5

Re: Network device was not recognized

Thanks for the answer, the error message appears in the dialog of NSM, which switches on during activation of some profile. The error message is here: mbpDy.jpg

The error message which I am writing about is the first row in the first jpg (I use Czech version of NSM).

The NSM general window appears this way in that moment: b6PP4.jpg

As far as IPv4 is concerned, I am not sure where to find it, so I include also jpg of the dialog which I can see if I right-click the device and choose Properties. bEVgd.jpg

Thank  you for the help.

Last edited by breberka (2009-11-03 16:45)


#4 2009-11-03 16:35

Registered: 2009-10-20
Posts: 5

Re: Network device was not recognized

Hallo again, I just searched other topics here and seem the user DerVerschollene has same problem, but different modem. I connect also through VPN (WAN PPP/Slip Interface) but I still miss the information about IPv4, the only thing I have found is this:

Last edited by breberka (2009-11-03 16:42)


#5 2009-11-03 16:47

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,878

Re: Network device was not recognized

I've integrated an alternative way to get all available NICs. It is slower than the default one, but it will also get deactivated and virtual devices. Maybe this will help you.

This feature will be available in the next big release coming in the beginning of January. Hopefully you can wait until then...


#6 2009-11-03 17:26

Registered: 2009-10-20
Posts: 5

Re: Network device was not recognized

Do I have other choice, than wait for it? :-) Other features of NSM are great, so I will.
Till January I will have to switch the NSM always off when using VPN, if I understand well. Or is there any other way to work with it?
