Cannot initialize the proxy settings in firefox / Bug Reports / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2008-03-14 08:33

Registered: 2008-03-14
Posts: 1

Cannot initialize the proxy settings in firefox

Ilja, when using netsetman to initialize the proxy settings, netsetman can not overwrite the manual proxy settings in firefox. I cheched both IE and Firefox. IE is correctly set to use a manual proxy but Firefox is still set to use a direct connection.
When setting the proxy settings manually and directly in firefox, it works fine (except if I restart firefox, then proxy settings are set back to use a direct coonection)
I tried to figure out which key in the registry needs to be overwritten but did not find the answer. Any though what's going wrong ?


#2 2008-03-16 01:34

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,878

Re: Cannot initialize the proxy settings in firefox

except if I restart firefox, then proxy settings are set back to use a direct coonection

Why is that? That seems odd and sounds like the real problem.
If this is happening even without the use of NetSetMan then Firefox itself or even enother program are causing this behavior. NetSetMan changes all the settings in your profile (of course FF must not be running at that time), but when you start FF this setting is changed back. Any ideas why that setting is changed back?
