Display the last used config if the newer one is about different lan / Feature Requests / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2023-07-18 13:52

New Member
Registered: 2023-07-18
Posts: 1

Display the last used config if the newer one is about different lan


Hi, I have this (still partial) configuration in my NetSetMan.
Each group refers to a different card I have on my laptop: P1, P2 or WiFi.
It happens quite often that I have to change a configuration of one specific card, and when i do it, NetSetMan check the new configuration, clearing the tick on the last one.

It would be great (to me) if NetSetMan would check with a green tick the new chosen and activated configuration, keeping in some way "visible" (a grey tick?) the old one *only if the old one is about a different card).

EG: if in the image above I choose "Gummilabor" inside "P1 - PLC" group, it is good that the green tick moves from "PLC ETI" to "Gummlabor", but if I select "Gummi_AP_Freddo" inside "WiFi", it would be great to move the green tick from "PLC ETI" to "Gummi_AP_Freddo", but keeping a signal (like a grey tick) on "PLC ETI", to signal that the last used config on "P1" card is still set in that configuration...

I hope it's understandable :-) sorry for my english.


#2 2023-07-18 22:09

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,874

Re: Display the last used config if the newer one is about different lan

Unfortunately, we don't see any simple solution for your suggestion, as the current program structure only knows one current profile. It does not have a queue or list of last activated profiles. We would need to invest a lot of refactoring for this tiny change.

Also please note that there are lots of special cases that don't allow a simple solution:
Profiles can have multiple network adapters in their subprofiles.
Profiles can also be without any network adapter.
The selected network adapter can be changed after the profile was applied
