AutoSwitch issues with Pulse VPN connected / Bug Reports / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2016-11-04 17:03

Registered: 2016-11-04
Posts: 1

AutoSwitch issues with Pulse VPN connected

Have been working on setting up a set of profiles for on and off network. Ideally want to have the profiles autoswitch. My requirements are fairly simple and only want two profiles - cabled lan and wifi. The profiles are based upon the LAN connection being active and the wifi card being active. In my situation both cannot be enabled at the same time due to bridge prevention being handled by my Sophos client on the laptop.

My issue comes when I introduce the Pulse VPN client. I'm trying out all the instance cases users may find themselves and if they have the VPN running on wifi and then dock the laptop into the cabled lan the autoswitch does not take place until the VPN client is manually disconnected. When the VPN is disconnected the lan connection is only then discovered as active and the correct profile activated.

Any ideas or suggestions?


#2 2016-11-14 14:21

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,878

Re: AutoSwitch issues with Pulse VPN connected

Sorry for the delayed reply. Based on your description, we'd say that the configured AutoSwitch settings aren't correct for this situation. But without knowing what you've configured there, we can only speculate. Please post screenshots of both AutoSwitch configurations, so we can analyze in the context of your description.
Notice, that we're planing to add some additional AutoSwitch options soon. One option will turn off WiFi if a LAN cable is connected, and turn if off again when the LAN cable gets disconnected. If we can't find a solution for your problem now, this option might become a solution for this.
