Bug reports for NSM 4.1.4 / Bug Reports / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2016-04-24 13:49

Registered: 2016-04-23
Posts: 24

Bug reports for NSM 4.1.4

Bug reports for NSM 4.1.4 in Windows 10 64 bit
In my test of NSM, I have created two profiles in my wired network: One for “home use” (HOME) and one “not for home use” (AWAY).
In the HOME profile, I am mapping tree drives, and run two programs after mapping is completed.
I am using the AutoSwitch function. I finally made it work, but it only works one time.
With AutoSwitch enabled, NSM detects my own network via the MAC address of my router. Drives are being mapped and the two programs are being executed. Here is the important thing: Both of the programs has to be executed every time I log on to my PC. Now I log off the PC, and log on again.
Here is the problem: Since the last active profile was HOME, it’s not being activated again after logon and the two programs are not being executed after logon.
If I select my profile AWAY, log off my PC and log on again, then the profile HOME is being activated again as it should via the AutoSwitch function and the drives being mapped and programs being executed.
Why is my profile HOME not being detected/activated every time I log on to my PC?

2. In Scripts and programs, it’s possible to select a delay in seconds before executing the command.

What’s the point to be able to select -X seconds?
When setting number of seconds in delay before executing a program, closing the Script & Program dialog box, the number in seconds is shown as 0, when opening the Script & Program dialog box again.

Best regards
Peter Rasmussen


#2 2016-04-25 11:56

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,878

Re: Bug reports for NSM 4.1.4

1. NetSetMan remembers the last activated profile and prevents from having this profile activated again after restarting the program. The assumption is that if the same conditions apply then nothing changed and the profile doesn't need to be reactivated. However, apparently some users like you wish the profile to be activated after a program restart, regardless of its previous activation. For this reason we're going to introduce a new option in the AutoSwitch dialog to optionally make NetSetMan forget the previous AutoSwitch profile on restart.

2. See tooltip of the "Delay" column header:
Positive delay values: countdown after executing the program in that line
Negative delay values: countdown before executing the program in that line

But you're totally right about the bug. Something's wrong here. We'll make sure to fix this for the next release. Thanks!
