NetSetMan Support
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#1 2016-02-11 22:23
- NetSetMan Support
- Administrator
- Registered: 2005-08-06
- Posts: 1,890
NetSetMan 4.1.2 released!
We came across the problem that our new certificate for digitally signing the program files relies on a Comodo root certificate that has different presets on different systems. This led to the problem that on some systems the program start was cancelled by the error message "Invalid file signature".
We've now extended the certificate chain that's used for signing the files so that it links to another, more reliable root certificate. As a result, we've released version 4.1.2 that includes the new signatures. If you've recently updated to version 4.1.0 or 4.1.1 please download and install the latest version.
- Fix: "Invalid file signature" on some systems
- Extended file signature to support systems with incomplete root certificates
- Files are now signed with additional intermediate certificate information
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