NSM Windows doesn't appear / Bug Reports / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2014-10-17 12:28

Registered: 2014-10-17
Posts: 1

NSM Windows doesn't appear


From today, the NSM Windows doesn't appear on the desktop (OS: Windows 8.1). I have the little icon in the taskbar (at right) and the reduced window in the taskbar at left but no way to have the maximized window on the desktop. Since I can't display this window, I can't give you the number version.

Any idea?


#2 2014-10-17 13:05

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,896

Re: NSM Windows doesn't appear

Is it possible that the window has been moved out of the current visible area? This could happen if you connect and disconnect external displays.
When starting NetSetMan it's actually checking for the visible area and in case it's located outside of it, it repositions itself. So first of all exit the program (right-click the tray icon, choose "Quit". Then run the application again.
If this hasn't solved the problem, you can try to change the position in the settings file yourself. First exit the program. Then open settings.ini from the program folder. Search for "left=" and "top=" enter 0 for both of them. Then run the application again. NetSetMan will then show up in the top left corner.
