NetSetMan Support
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Pages: 1
#1 2014-04-29 03:27
- NetSetMan Support
- Administrator
- Registered: 2005-08-06
- Posts: 1,899
NetSetMan 3.7.2 released!
The new version 3.7.2 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
3.7.2 - 2014-04-29
- NSM Service highly improved:
Faster program start with activated NSM Service
RDP problems solved ("Error 6")
No second icon if pinned to the task bar (Win7+)
File dialogs (e.g. import/export) show Favorites locations
Proper closing of popup menu on logon screen
New NSM Service icon
- Fix: Net Drive option "Reconnect at logon" for admin users
- Fix: Setting IE proxy and homepage separately
- Fix: Tooltip with profile name appeared randomly on main form
- Fix: IPv6 random address generator bug
- Improvements for listing installed printers
- Improvements for uninstallation
- Translation updates
Pages: 1