Can't map net drives / Bug Reports / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2013-05-30 14:36

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Can't map net drives


I have an issue with NetSetMan not able to map network drives. I have NSM service enabled and drive I'm trying to map is my media player Mede8er which is available on the network, I can see him via explorer and I can map him with explorer.

Here is a log during activation:

[0:00] Start: Home LAN (15:34:38)

[0:00] Start: Ethernet
[0:00] Adapter found
[0:00] IP & Subnet Mask: Start
[0:00] IP Address: OK
[0:00] Subnet Mask: OK
[0:00] Static: OK
[0:00] Gateway & Metric: Start
[0:00] Gateway: OK
[0:00] Metric: OK
[0:00] DNS: Start
[0:00] DNS: OK
[0:01] Wait: 5 sec
[0:06] Adapter - Refresh: OK
[0:06] Net Drive: Start
[0:06] Elevated
[0:06] Connect Y: hdd1 (\\
[0:06] Connect Y: Error 1231
The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help
[0:06] Non-Elevated
[0:06] Connect Y: hdd1 (\\
[0:06] Connect Y: Error 1231
The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help
[0:06] Wait...
[0:07] Net Drive: Finish

I'm using Windows 8 x64, windows Firewall is OFF, and my AV program is disabled (just during tests). On the other hand, my Wireless connections maps net drive but only in log and I can't see it in my explorer. If I check it via net use in cmd I can see that drive is mapped as Y:
Also, what does Adapter Restart option means? If it restarts network adapter shouldn't that be the first thing before setting IP, Subnet and DNS address?
I'm using Restart option because sometimes my IP address is not changed and I need to restart LAN adapter. I also noticed that NetSetMan is proceeding with changes even if adapter is not connected. My LAN adapter needs some time to detect connected state on one of my work switches and if I start NetSetMan profile it will run all settings but some of them are not applied because LAN is still disconnected.


Last edited by pvajdic (2013-05-31 13:50)


#2 2013-05-31 07:47

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Re: Can't map net drives

I've just checked on my work network, same situation. NetSetMan is unable to map any of my net drives, no matter in what form I enter them (with or without username and password, reconnect on logon, etc).

I also started to receive a message that NSM service has an error during logon and it cannot start NetSetMan but I see it started in my tray.

Here is a SS for error above


Last edited by pvajdic (2013-05-31 13:45)


#3 2013-05-31 14:50

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Can't map net drives

Let's split this up:

1. Net Drive Connection
Make sure you haven't used any additional space characters in the paths!
Make sure not only the the target IP is available but also the target folder. For this for example simply try in your Explorer: \\\hdd1

2. Net Drive List
"my Wireless connections maps net drive but only in log and I can't see it in my explorer" -> How does your Wireless connection map anything? How do you map those drives here?

3. Restart Adapter
"Also, what does Adapter Restart option means?"
The selected network adapter from the profile will be turned off and turned on again.
"shouldn't that be the first thing before setting IP, Subnet and DNS address?"
Why do you think so?

4. NSM Service
"I also started to receive a message that NSM service has an error during logon"
- Started when and after what actions? Errors don't start randomly. wink If you see some connection to bigger system changes let me know.
- What does the message say exactly?


#4 2013-05-31 15:01

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Re: Can't map net drives

Ilja Herlein wrote:

Let's split this up:

1. Net Drive Connection
Make sure you haven't used any additional space characters in the paths!
Make sure not only the the target IP is available but also the target folder. For this for example simply try in your Explorer: \\\hdd1. Tried with other network drives at work \\Main\D_FOC, \\ITDEP\Docs, etc (all available through explorer)

2. Net Drive List
"my Wireless connections maps net drive but only in log and I can't see it in my explorer" -> How does your Wireless connection map anything? How do you map those drives here?

3. Restart Adapter
"Also, what does Adapter Restart option means?"
The selected network adapter from the profile will be turned off and turned on again.
"shouldn't that be the first thing before setting IP, Subnet and DNS address?"
Why do you think so?

4. NSM Service
"I also started to receive a message that NSM service has an error during logon"
- Started when and after what actions? Errors don't start randomly. wink If you see some connection to bigger system changes let me know.
- What does the message say exactly?

1. As I already wrote, I'm able to map network in my windows explorer drive with same syntax as used in NetSetMan (\\\hdd1)

2. I was rather unclear in my description here, I admit. What I meant is that NetSetMan profile for my wireless connection is mapping drives not connection by itself (syntax is the same as above under 1). But mapped drive is not visible in explorer (this theory is tested only once big_smile)

3. Why do I think so? This part of my post explains is:
I'm using Restart option because sometimes my IP address, subnet, dns are not changed and I need to restart LAN adapter (something like ipconfig /release /renew. Lets say I'm connected to LAN1 network which is segment. In one point I need to go to a meeting and remove my laptop from docking station, go to the meeting room and connect LAN cable. Network in this room is and I select profile for this network. Sometimes IP is NOT refreshed until I disabled and enabled LAN adapter. This is why restart adapter is useful for me.

4. Started right after I enabled it and restart my laptop. And errors do start randomly in IT world (my 20 years of experience taught me so). What message says exactly you can see in screenshoot from my 2nd post.

Last edited by pvajdic (2013-06-02 09:12)


#5 2013-06-02 09:06

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Re: Can't map net drives

While we are discussing all problems here not just mapped drives:

5. Every time I try to connect to WiFi networks I get this error:

0:00] Start: Wi-Fi
[0:00] Adapter found
[0:00] IP & Subnet Mask: Start
[0:00] IP Address: OK
[0:00] Subnet Mask: OK
[0:00] Static: OK
[0:00] Gateway & Metric: Start
[0:00] Gateway: OK
[0:00] Metric: OK
[0:00] DNS: Start
[0:00] DNS: OK
[0:02] Wait: 5 sec
[0:07] Adapter - Refresh: OK
[0:08] WiFi: Start
[0:08] Connect: Home_wifi
[0:08] ConnectToNetworkByMAC: Error 70000009
[0:08] WiFi (Home_wifi): Error 70000009
[0:08] WiFi: Finish

I've checked WiFi and in drop down list selected corresponding WiFi. I must mention that because of security all my WiFi networks have hidden SSID (and yes Connect even if not broadcasting is selected).

Perhaps yo should change title for this topic big_smile.


#6 2013-06-03 23:23

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Can't map net drives

1.+2.+4. I have the feeling that problems 1 and 2 result from problem 4. If the NSM Service isn't working properly for some reason then I wouldn't count on the rest to be working. For this reason I'd recommend to deactivate the service from the preferences menu, restart the program and try again.

3. "This is why restart adapter is useful for me." I understand why it's useful, however I don't understand why you assum that this step has to be the first when activating a profile. If you restart the adapter after having set all the settings that should correct for most cases. Additionally I'd like to suggest to create a profile named "Restart LAN" and to configure only one setting here: to restart the LAN adapter. This way you can always run that profile simply to refresh your network settings.

5. I'll try to do some extended testing with hidden SSID. Maybe I'll be able to reproduce this. However, be advised that hidden SSIDs are a bad idea! (here's a starting point for more info)


#7 2013-06-04 08:02

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Re: Can't map net drives

Ilja Herlein wrote:

1.+2.+4. I have the feeling that problems 1 and 2 result from problem 4. If the NSM Service isn't working properly for some reason then I wouldn't count on the rest to be working. For this reason I'd recommend to deactivate the service from the preferences menu, restart the program and try again.

I tried as suggested, service disabled, restart and applied profile. Again no network drives, I keep receiving an Error 53

Ilja Herlein wrote:

3. "This is why restart adapter is useful for me." I understand why it's useful, however I don't understand why you assum that this step has to be the first when activating a profile. If you restart the adapter after having set all the settings that should correct for most cases. Additionally I'd like to suggest to create a profile named "Restart LAN" and to configure only one setting here: to restart the LAN adapter. This way you can always run that profile simply to refresh your network settings.

Ok I changed this option from Restart to Activate and created new profile where I disable all adapters before turning off computer or changing network locations. Nifty workaround big_smile
And to answer you question understanding was if you first put all setting to "obtain automatically...", than restart adapter it would clear all old settings from previous network settings (this is what I'm doing when my NIC is stubbornly refusing to apply new settings) and than apply new IP. Anyway we can agree that this issue is resolved with workaround above.

Ilja Herlein wrote:

5. I'll try to do some extended testing with hidden SSID. Maybe I'll be able to reproduce this. However, be advised that hidden SSIDs are a bad idea! (here's a starting point for more info)

Yup I agree with you on this one but I'm not network admin here at work so I don't have any influence with network configurations. And my wireless at home has only few devices (mobile phones mostly) that have Wifi off while outside so no network probing there.

And here are few new questions/issues:

6. Will you ever implement support for Mobile broadband networks?

7. All my profiles with scripts after activation have red icon but no errors in log. If I uncheck Scripts icon is green. Scripts are run without any errors.

I'm sorry for all this problems, but I re-installed my laptop with Win8. Lenovo removed support for Access Connections from Win 8 (network switching application) so NetSetMan is on extended use/testing.


Last edited by pvajdic (2013-06-04 08:09)


#8 2013-06-10 08:32

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Re: Can't map net drives


Any info on this matter? Net drives are essential issue here sad.



#9 2013-06-11 00:11

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Can't map net drives

The investigation of your network drive problem will take some time.
To get an idea where the solution might be heading at, please have a look here.
Error 53 basically means "The network path was not found."
One quick way would be to try your path with and without a trailing back-slash (like \\pc\folder and \\pc\folder\) if that makes any difference in your case.


#10 2013-06-11 07:11

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Re: Can't map net drives

I tried as you suggested but again Error 53. I've done few tests with different profiles, one which would set IP and another with only drive mapping, just in case there is some timeout in network (ie. mapping occurs before successful connection) but every time same error.
I created vbs script which maps same drives under same letter with same path syntax and it works.
Also I noticed that if I map drives "by hand" (via explorer) NetSetMan won't disconnect them when switching to another profile (with no drives). They are still visible in explorer but with a X mark. 

If you need more logs, or any further testing from my side please let me know (you can contact me via my email).


#11 2013-06-16 18:44

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Can't map net drives

Well, I now basically crawled the whole web searching for reasons of the 53-problem you've described. I also did several tests with different Win8-VMs. None of them allowed me to reproduce the problem. sad

Here are some additional questions for maybe narrowing it down:

  • When doing your tests please only change the network drive in a profile (don't apply new IP settings)! Maybe there's a timing problem so your network isn't ready yet after changing the IP address.

  • Are you in a domain network? If yes: Would it be possible to leave the network, restart and try again?

  • Could you please try to mount a local share? (like this: \\\test)

  • For testing make sure that network path is available for Everyone (so you don't need any user/pw).

  • Are the paths that you've posted the real paths or did you use them as symbolic examples? In case the real paths differ: Do you have any special characters in the paths?

  • Did the error change from 1231 to 53 when you deactivated the NSM Service? Or has there been another change/reason?

Please send me your settings.ini and your vbs script (zipped by email) that you're using so I can have a look at the files directly.

pvajdic wrote:

6. Will you ever implement support for Mobile broadband networks?
7. All my profiles with scripts after activation have red icon but no errors in log. If I uncheck Scripts icon is green. Scripts are run without any errors.

6. What exactly would you like to do here? Changing the IP of a mobile broadband network won't be possible. Most of the settings can be applied for another adapter as well. And establishing a connection can be performed using the rasdial command.
7. Could you send me the full activation log, please?


#12 2013-06-17 08:17

Registered: 2013-03-30
Posts: 19

Re: Can't map net drives

Ilja Herlein wrote:

Here are some additional questions for maybe narrowing it down:

  • When doing your tests please only change the network drive in a profile (don't apply new IP settings)! Maybe there's a timing problem so your network isn't ready yet after changing the IP address.

  • Here is what I've done. I unchecked scripts and Net Drive on my Work profile and created new one with ONLY Net Drives option checked as you suggested. First I run Work profile, everything green (scripts are disabled). After that I test my connection to make sure my network is ready. Than I've run second profile with only drives mapping. Green status again, BUT there are no drives in windows explorer. If i check it in cmd with NET USE command I can see them mapped.
    I must mention that network here at work is "slow", what I mean is that I takes some time for my LAN adapter to detect it as connected (same reason why I have 20 second delay for my after scripts). But back home my LAN adapter is online within seconds after activating profile.
    I think problem with mapping drives is indeed with timing. Perhaps you could implement pause option same as scripts?

Ilja Herlein wrote:
  • Are you in a domain network? If yes: Would it be possible to leave the network, restart and try again?

  • Tried at home as I don't have domain home. Didn't help.

Ilja Herlein wrote:
  • Could you please try to mount a local share? (like this: \\\test)

  • For local mapping I didn't receive any error, but as above I don't see it in windows explorer.

Ilja Herlein wrote:
  • For testing make sure that network path is available for Everyone (so you don't need any user/pw).

  • Are the paths that you've posted the real paths or did you use them as symbolic examples? In case the real paths differ: Do you have any special characters in the paths?

  • All my shares are available for Everyone (permissions are restricted on folder level)

  • Some paths are symbolic but no, I don't have any special chars in the paths (I am senior system admin at work xD)

Ilja Herlein wrote:
  • Did the error change from 1231 to 53 when you deactivated the NSM Service? Or has there been another change/reason?

  • It seems so. I can't confirm because I disabled Net drives, but during my tests with NSM service disabled all I had was error 53.

Ilja Herlein wrote:

Please send me your settings.ini and your vbs script (zipped by email) that you're using so I can have a look at the files directly.


Ilja Herlein wrote:

6. What exactly would you like to do here? Changing the IP of a mobile broadband network won't be possible. Most of the settings can be applied for another adapter as well. And establishing a connection can be performed using the rasdial command.

I know IP can't be changed, but to include options where you can define APN options like APN, proxy, username, password, auth type...same as you can on your smartphone.

Ilja Herlein wrote:

7. Could you send me the full activation log, please?



#13 2013-06-26 22:20

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Can't map net drives

pvajdic wrote:

I think problem with mapping drives is indeed with timing. Perhaps you could implement pause option same as scripts?

Yes, I'm actually thinking about doing this. The "Additional Addresses" dialog will be extended anyways soon. So there will be place for showing such an option.
I'm not sure though why you're experiencing a difference between what your explorer and NET USE show. Is it possible that during this test it was a result of a previous "faulty" test? Could you please do this test (connecting network drives only) after a fresh reboot?
