Change Domain / General Questions / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2012-10-02 15:57

Registered: 2012-10-02
Posts: 5

Change Domain


Everyting works perfect except the domain join.
It worked 1 time to join my computer to a domain of which my pc was not yet a member.  Changing back didn't work anymore.  So I manually rejoined the original domain, rebootet and tried another time to switch to the domain that worked 1 time but it doesn't work anymore.

It's like the program cannot answer on the question that there is already an account by that name and if I want to use that one.

[0:18] PS Fout: Add-Computer : This command cannot be executed on target computer('') due to following error: The domain does not exist or cannot be reached .At line:1 char:13

Activating the profile that swithces to the domain I'm already in says OK with domain but gives following message in the log:
[0:22] PS: WARNING: The changes will take effect after you restart the computer ICT-VTIP2.
Do you have to reboot every time you switch from domain?


#2 2012-10-03 14:26

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Change Domain

The reason for your problem is actually explained in the log:
"The domain does not exist or cannot be reached"
Of course it's necessary that your system can reach the target domain/server to join the domain. This is not a limitation by NetSetMan - that's a simple pre-requirement by Windows. You cannot join a domain that is not available at that particular moment.

Do you have to reboot every time you switch from domain?

The warning in the log you're receiving comes directly from Windows.
Make sure you read the FAQ:


#3 2012-10-04 14:50

Registered: 2012-10-02
Posts: 5

Re: Change Domain

That can't be the reason.  I'm perfectly able to switch from one domain to another manually.

There is one thing I remarked, let me explain:

I have 2 domains:


When I use netsetman, it changes first the IP addresses then it tries to integrate my laptop into the other domain but he asks an administrator username and password.  Since the ip addresses are changed, it cannot reach the initial domain anymore so I need to use local administrator credentials.

Could this be the cause of the problems?


#4 2012-10-08 17:49

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Change Domain

wouwie wrote:

I'm perfectly able to switch from one domain to another manually.

OK, but do you change your IP settings at the same time? Probably not. So try switching between Domains with NetSetMan Pro in two profiles where you don't change the IP at the same time (testwise).

If this works, then it's not about the domain feature, instead we should focus on the actual activation process with the order of changes.


#5 2012-10-11 10:24

Registered: 2012-10-02
Posts: 5

Re: Change Domain

I do not understand.

How can I connect to the other domain if I don't change my IP addresses first?
If I'm not in the same subnet then how can I possibly try to connect to het domein controller?


#6 2012-10-11 23:18

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Change Domain

I think we're talking at cross-purposes.
Of course you need to be in the correct network first to join that domain. My intention is to find out whether in your case really the domain feature is the problem or maybe just switching the IP and joining the domain in a short period of time causes the trouble. So please do this test: manually join the correct network first, give the system some time to apply all changes. Then activate a NSM profile where *only* the target domain is configured (with domain name, user name and password). Provide me the result details. It would very much help to see the whole process recorded as a video for analysis. In a lot of cases there are details users don't mention because they seem not to be important, but actually are. You might want to use the freeware Wink for that.


#7 2012-10-12 09:31

Registered: 2012-10-02
Posts: 5

Re: Change Domain

You can view the stunning :-) movie here:


#8 2012-10-14 14:21

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Change Domain

Thank you for the video. It gives some indications where to start:
1. You use different domain names:
Windows: VTILL
Why? Please try using the opposite one for each method and tell me the result.

2. You're choosing the option "Geen domeingebruikersaccount toevoegen" which means something like "Don't add domain user". What happens here if you leave the default option selected?

3. To be honest I'm not familiar with the domain wizzard you're using in the video. The domain feature in NetSetMan Pro can be easier compared to the default workgroup/domain dialog in Windows:
FluxBB bbcode test
Try switching the domain in that dialog. Which settings do you have to use there?


#9 2012-10-15 14:12

Registered: 2012-10-02
Posts: 5

Re: Change Domain

1. I already tried with VTILL and but it makes no difference
   When you become desperate, you'd try anything :-)
2. Add a domain user means is never nessesary, so that is not it.
3.  When I do not use the wizard to integrate the computer to the domain, I get an error: The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you."

I found this article … 10%29.aspx that could indicate the problem but I did not execute it yet.  What do you think?


#10 2012-10-15 21:24

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,871

Re: Change Domain

I think I know the reason to your problem.

wouwie wrote:

3. When I do not use the wizard to integrate the computer to the domain, I get an error: The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you.

That gave the key clue. A quick search for the error message gives a lot of different topics for that: … 2&ie=UTF-8
I read only roughly over the results, but main tone was that you're trying to access cross-domain. So my guess is that by trying to connect to you're basically trying to connect to the remote website instead of the local domain named that way.

It's actually a big flaw in the design of your company's network that the local domain has a global TLD. Actually that's the reason why domains usually end with ".local".

I'm not sure what the wizard does but maybe it tries out all the targets it finds and one of them works (not the first one).

I see several possible solutions:
1. Change the DNS in a way that it first tries to access the local target before the remote target.
2. Create an entry in the hosts file that points the domain name directly to the IP of the local domain server. Something like this:
(ping the domain server to find out the IP)
3. Get your IT to change the domain to better standards! wink

Generally speaking: Try to make it work with the default domain dialog in Windows. As soon as it works there it'll work with NetSetMan as well.


#11 2013-02-20 11:56

Registered: 2013-02-16
Posts: 12

Re: Change Domain


I'am in the same situation, but the IT it is me and i'am not a pro

I just install a Server with Win Serveur to experiment it !

my domaine name is xxx.local as you discribe

i will try to understand what you write to solve situation

The error message is something like that
several connection from same user not alowed

Thank you

Last edited by blues93 (2013-02-20 11:58)


#12 2013-02-20 12:13

Registered: 2013-02-16
Posts: 12

Re: Change Domain

Note that i only use the Network Disk option to share different volumes between several PC

i have 4 Shared Network Volume

I note that i can't acces to the 3 first volumes i made at the begenning and i can still acces to the #4 Network volume that i create few weeks ago

afetr a while i can't access to all of the 4 but the error message is not the same
•For the 3 first one message is NetWork Name not findable, connexion not restaured
•For the last new volume created the error message is " X:\ make refence to a place not available. blablabla..........  Check if you are right connected to the network......... blablabla.....

In the same way, the windows error message relayed by NetSetMan have change also to "Domaine not findable"

PS : Sorry for my English

Last edited by blues93 (2013-02-20 12:17)


#13 2013-02-20 12:19

Registered: 2013-02-16
Posts: 12

Re: Change Domain

I see in the FAQ that ther is 2 methods to join domain

When i see the NetBios one it look like something good in my case
i will try to set that a) NETBIOS: DOMAIN\user


#14 2013-02-20 12:26

Registered: 2013-02-16
Posts: 12

Re: Change Domain

I need to understand things better

It arrive that without NetSetMan i loose the NetWork connexion to the Shared Volumes

The only solution that i have it was to restart Computer and Serveur
I don't know wich is in cause PC or Serveur


#15 2013-02-20 12:38

Registered: 2013-02-16
Posts: 12

Re: Change Domain

A new way to get back to normal situation
I find a way to restore connexion without restarting PC

In the past when i was loosing connexion only solution was to restart PC ans Serveur (Maybe Server was not necessary but i restart it also)

For some month ago when i was loosing connexion there was a new icon appear about Files using under not connected status !

I 've just get inside it and and i don't exactly know how i do
but it restart normal situation !

as when i start PC, through the File explorer, when i try to get in the network volume it ask me as usual to login by the way of a NetBios Box

I don't have to restart the PC to get it again

I re login and I can acces to the 3 First Network Shared Volume
but i can't acces to the last one created ?
i still have error message ; -(

Last edited by blues93 (2013-02-20 13:36)
