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#1 2012-08-31 10:35

Registered: 2012-08-31
Posts: 1

Network Profile Control Tool


We are Looking for a solution that locks network profiles

1.Office Profile

DHCP enabled, can pick ip from designated dhcp servers only.

2.Home Profile

All nics get disabled and user is forced to use specific internet connection only.

Can this requirment meets in Netsetman Tools.

Please reply.



#2 2012-08-31 13:21

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,896

Re: Network Profile Control Tool

This is exactly what NetSetMan is meant for. You can do this and much more.

Example configuration for your case:

  1. Rename profile 1 to "Office Profile". Select the network adapter you want your employees to use in the drop-down box. Check the IP- and DNS-checkboxes and set them to "Obtain ... automatically". Check the Adapter-checkbox and select "Activate" to make sure this network adapter will be activated if not already active.

  2. For each other network adapter that you'd like to deactivate create a MultiProfile within the current profile by clicking the big "+" button besides the selected network adapter. In those new MultiProfiles select the adapters to be deactivated, check "Adapter" and choose "Deactivate".

  3. To lock those settings from being edited by the users go to Settings > Administration and configure the NSM Administration there. Doing that will allow the user to activate pre-configured profiles while not being able to modify them.

This might seem to be a lot of text but actually the whole procedure is very much straight forward. You can give it a try with the Non-Commercial Freeware version. However, remember that companies may only use it for evaluation/testing purposes. Once using it productively you're required to purchase NetSetMan Pro licenses for all clients.
