NetSetMan 3.4.0 released! / Release Versions / NetSetMan Support

NetSetMan Support

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#1 2012-03-19 04:10

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,899

NetSetMan 3.4.0 released!

The new version 3.4.0 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!

This update is most interesting for Pro users as the browser/proxy feature has been completely reworked to be much more powerful than before. Besides that the activation dialog has been redesigned bringing a more user-friendly interface and functionality. But of course there are a lot of other improvements as well.

3.4.0 - 2012-03-19
- NEW: Browser/Proxy feature completely reworked! (Pro version)
      Support for Internet Explorer/System, Firefox and Opera
      Automatic recognition of your installed browsers
      Separate browser and proxy/home page configuration
      Getting current values, clearing values on label double-click
      Full support of profiles for Firefox and Opera
      IE proxy settings can be combined now
      Opening browser dialog much faster now
      Dropping Gopher-protocol support
- NEW: All-new Activation Dialog!
      Three areas: compact, details and log
      Animated activation indicator
      Progress bar in dialog and in (Win7) taskbar
      Dialog doesn't freeze anymore during activation
- NEW: Win7 JumpLists for quick access to important NSM sections
- NEW Language: Hebrew
- The alternative IP method now becomes the default method! However, for
  compatibility the old method can still be activated in the preferences.
- System Settings accessible directly from the tray for quick changes
- Fix: Workgroup checkbox wasn't saved correctly in v3.3.0
- Fix: Error in Compact Mode if all profiles are deactivated
- Fix: Saving custom height of Compact Mode
- Fix: Some minor issues with the program icon
- Fix: System Sound Schemes problems with NSM Service
- Fix: Printer error "File not found" in certain cases
- Pro: Help link in Domain/Workgroup dialog
- Several WiFi improvements (security, import/export)
- WiFi NIC is now automatically enabled when establishing a connection
- Added context menu to Script editor
- NSM Administration registry keys now removed with uninstall
- MenuBar buttons now also close the opened dialog again
- Wallpaper selection limited to BMP&JPG (other formats are problematic)
- Layout and size adjustments
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

Are you a native speaker of Danish, Polish, Portuguese or Vietnamese?
Then NetSetMan needs you! Those languages are already included
but are out of date. Send an email if you'd like to voluntarily
continue with one of them!
