NetSetMan 3.3.0 released! / Release Versions / NetSetMan Support

NetSetMan Support

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#1 2011-11-06 20:48

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,899

NetSetMan 3.3.0 released!

The new version 3.3.0 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!

3.3.0 - 2011-11-06
- NEW: Change system settings with your profiles!
- NEW: System - Display Mode (resolution, color depth, refresh rate)
- NEW: System - Wallpaper & Desktop Color
- NEW: System - Screensaver
- NEW: System - Design Scheme / Theme
- NEW: System - Speakers Volume
- NEW: System - Microphone Volume
- NEW: System - Sound Scheme
- NEW: System - Power Plan
- NEW language: Ukrainian
- Fix: Tray menu issues with rare exception error and flickering
- Fix: Several WiFi issues (x64, initialization, 64HEX and more)
- Fix: Listing network printers when using NSM Service
- Fix: Some problems changing the printer when using NSM Service
- Fix: In certain cases "Error -1" when changing NIC status
- Fix: Preventing Windows from shutting down in rare cases
- Pro: Optimized workgroup/domain UI with seperate dialog
- Icon optimizations
- Tooltips for profile tabs to show long names
- IP & DNS captions are now geyed-out if not used
- Additional Addresses shortcut now also in the main menu
- Applying IP settings to a NIC will automatically activate it
- Restarting a deactivated NIC will now activate it
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

Are you a native speaker of Vietnamese?
Then NetSetMan needs you! This language is already included
but out of date. Send an email if you'd like to voluntarily
continue with its translation!
