NetSetMan Support
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#1 2011-06-06 06:44
- NetSetMan Support
- Administrator
- Registered: 2005-08-06
- Posts: 1,899
NetSetMan 3.2.5 released!
The new version 3.2.5 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
3.2.5 - 2011-06-06
- NEW method for changing IP settings! (Beta)
Settings configurable even for disables/disconnected NICs
Gateway metric can now be set to automatic
No more "busy" error message
No more errors like 85, 86, 95, 96, ...
IMPORTANT: For now this feature's in a Beta state and turned
off by default. You can turn it on in the Preferences:
"General" > "Use alternative IP activation method"
If you try it out, please report your experiences by email!
Note: As part of the preparation for the new mode the
activation order of some settings has been changed.
- NEW: NIC "Restart" now also for x64
- Reworked NIC Status feature
- Several languages up-to-date again; new help files for bg, es, tw
- Improved character encoding handling of settings file
- Fix: Error after closing Scripts dialog
- Fix: Visual flaw in Scripts dialog
- Fix: Problems with ampersand character in profile names
- Fix: Silent activation with -as parameter didn't work correctly
- Fix: "Get Current Settings" didn't set DHCP/Static option correctly
- Fix: Showing wrong settings in WiFi Management for ad-hoc profiles
- Fix: Connect to a WiFi network with differing SSID and name
- Fix: WiFi Management freezes under certain circumstances
- Fix: Option for auto-connection was disabled for the current
WiFi profile when connecting to another WiFi network in XP
- Fix (Pro): Problems setting proxies and ports in certain cases
- Fix (Pro): Firefox profile selection with NSM Service
Pages: 1