NetSetMan 3.1.0 released! / Release Versions / NetSetMan Support

NetSetMan Support

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#1 2010-12-01 03:13

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,899

NetSetMan 3.1.0 released!

The new version 3.1.0 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!

3.1.0 - 2010-12-01
- NEW: Facelift with a new menu bar
- NEW: AutoSwitch!
       Connect your profiles with one or more WiFi netwoks to
       switch profiles automatically depending on your location!
       Read the help file for more information
- NEW: Extended Profile Management!
- NEW: Notes/Comments for profiles
- NEW language: Greek
- Fix: Inactive WINS configuration area
- Fix: Mapping a network drive might have kept its old name
- Fix: Position of TrayInfo now depending on task bar position
- Fix: Several fixes for systems with big fonts turned on
- Enhanced WiFi Management initialization
- Notification if WiFi service is not running
- New Windows location link: Windows WiFi Management
- Smooth opening of FullMode (Vista & 7)
- Closing all sub-windows when minimizing main-window
- Several mouse cursor design improvements
- Background logo now hidden when transparency not supported
- Now with 5sec delay after NIC de-/activation
- Delay for TrayInfo Public IP retrieval will be shown the whole
   time if it takes to long to make the user aware of the issue
- Pro: Profile Categories are now called Profile Groups
- NSM Logo Update
- Lots of, lots of minor fixes and adjustments
- NEW: NetSetMan is now on facebook - become a fan!

! Requiring new translators !
The following languages are already integrated into NetSetMan
but are out of date because their translators left the project.
If you would like to voluntarily continue it please send an email!
Chinese (trad.), Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese
