NetSetMan Support
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#1 2010-05-24 22:59
- NetSetMan Support
- Administrator
- Registered: 2005-08-06
- Posts: 1,899
NetSetMan 3.0.3 released!
The new version 3.0.3 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
3.0.3 - 2010-05-24
- Fix: Problem with update-check when using NSM Service
- Fix: Clearing a profile deactivated its visibility in the tray
- Fix: In rare cases Windows locations didn't work correctly
- Fix: Connecting to a hidden SSID WiFi network might've failed
- Fix: Automatically connecting to a WiFi profile after creation
- Fix: Error 18 on script activation in certain cases
- Fix: Removed "Unable to open key" message for locked NICs
- Fix (Pro): Proxy has been deactivated but not removed
- Fix (Pro): Proxy problem with NSM Service in certain cases
- New option in NSM Administration for allowing WiFi Management
- Duration for delayed TrayInfo Public IP retrieval is displayed
Disable Public IP feature if TrayInfo is too slow!
- WiFi is now set before IP settings to prevent error 84
- Minor fixes for horizontal scrollbars
- IP/DNS/WINS groups status toggle by clicking on the caption
- Several fixes for systems with big fonts turned on
- Several translation updates
Pages: 1