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#1 2016-04-04 10:10

Registered: 2016-04-04
Posts: 2

Already connected with Domain


Following situation:
I want to switch between two networks and domains. When I first connect the computer from first being member to a workgroup to a domain it works, but when I try to connect the computer being already member of a domain to the other domain, it doesnt work. I'm sorry but I don't have the exact error log for this, I can only tell you, that the error happens only for the domain switch, the network settings get through.

So I tried to connect using subprofiles:
1. Subprofile: Change to Workgroup WORK
2. Subprofile: Network Settings
3. Subprofile: Domain Join

It works when I'm logged in in Windows. But it doesnt for the pre-login Window in Windows 7. Following error occurs:
"Fehler 2691 Dieser Computer ist bereits mit einer Domäne verbunden" (German) which translates to something like "This computer is already connected to a domain"

I hope someone can help me. Thank you for your support!

Last edited by armin-ks (2016-04-04 10:11)


#2 2016-04-05 15:26

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,869

Re: Already connected with Domain

Could you please post the requested information for bug reports:

Windows version (incl. x86/x64)
NetSetMan version

Unfortunately, your problem description isn't fully clear to us. Allow us to sum up what we've understood together with some questions and please correct or confirm them:

  1. Switching the domain doesn't work on the Logon screen.

  2. Does directly switching in Windows work?

  3. Are you physically connected to the first or the second domain during the process? (or not connected to any network?)

  4. "I don't have the exact error log": We definitely need the full activation log for being able to analyze a problem like this. You don't have to post it publically here, instead you can send it to us by email.

  5. Your workaround with 3 subprofiles is a good start in analyzing the problem. However, we'd need the full activation log as well. It allows us to get the full picture including timings. Without it it's easy to overlook important details.

Try a slightly different workaround as a test: To see if it's a timing problem use three different profiles instead of 3 subprofiles. First switch to the workgroup, wait for a while then try to connect to the domain. Do this both logged in and on the Logon screen.


#3 2016-04-08 08:22

Registered: 2016-04-04
Posts: 2

Re: Already connected with Domain

Windwos version: Windows 7 Professional x64
NetSetMan version: should be the newest version

Well the error comes up, when switching over logon screen. The error occurs in subprofile 1, where I try to change to my workgroup WORK. However the domain join works now. I can switch to one domain over logon screen, restart the computer. Next day I am able to join the other domain over logon screen and after reboot everything works great.

1. Domain Switching works, but the first step, the workgroup join, returns an error
2. directly switching in windows works
But I think that the workgroup change is a bug in the software or something, because even if I change the workgroup of my notebook, when I'm logged in, in the windows system settings it shows Domain: WORK and not Workgroup: WORK like it would, when I would change to a workgroup named WORK over the windows menue.
3. I'm connected over network yes
4. I can't reproduce the error anymore, because I dont have the notebook anymore

For me it works now. I just wanted to post all remaining information just so you could try to see if I'm doing something wrong or maybe theres a bug and you could fix it. Thank you for your help.
