Time server / Feature Requests / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2007-10-15 19:47

Registered: 2007-10-15
Posts: 2

Time server

I am using different time servers relating to the respective customers network. The reason for this is in security functionality of the ERP/CRM software I am supporting.

I would like to suggest adding a function to switch to an IP or host name of a local time server.

Carpe Diem!
Bernhard Ritter


#2 2007-10-20 22:04

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,878

Re: Time server

I will put it on my todo list but with a low priority.
I will think about a solution to implement some less important features without affecting the clean look of the main interface but still keep a good usability. Then it can be included together with other small features like changing the time zone, the sceen resolution, wallpaper etc.
