Can't stop NSM control of wi-fi, native Win wi-fi manager doesn't work / General Questions / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2025-02-19 21:26

Registered: 2025-02-19
Posts: 2

Can't stop NSM control of wi-fi, native Win wi-fi manager doesn't work

I used NSM years ago on a Win10 tablet. I now see that windows cannot manage the wi-fi card on its own, everything has to go through NSM. I used to run NSM 4.7.1 and now tried even the latest version, both portable with no service running. It seems that NSM somehow gets a chokehold of the wi-fi card and doesn't allow Windows to touch it even though NSM doesn't run at all at startup nor in the background. Native win network manager cannot control the wi-fi card, cannot connect/ disconnect nor can even see the list of available wi-fi networks.

I tried reinstalling wifi card driver, some of the ipconfig and netsh commands, I checked that all necessary Windows wi-fi managing services are running etc.. I don't remember what other settings I may have changed, maybe something in the registry?

There's one more twist: I can connect/disconnect wifi normally on the windows log-on screen, however as soon as I log in the control gets taken over completely by NSM. Huh?

Any idea how I can regain control via windows wi-fi manager? I don't need to use NSM anymore...
I can upload and screenshots or log files you may need.
Thanks a bunch!


#2 2025-02-19 23:05

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,893

Re: Can't stop NSM control of wi-fi, native Win wi-fi manager doesn't work

We are sorry, but your description doesn't seem to make sense to us. NetSetMan doesn't override the native wifi management nor does it install drivers or change the native wifi behavior otherwise. It uses the official Windows Wi-Fi API during its use. So if you close the application, it is definitely not doing anything with your wifi anymore. The issue must be somewhere else.
Based on your description, you haven't used the device for many years. Maybe it is lacking a lot of Windows updates and is therefore struggling.


#3 2025-02-19 23:23

Registered: 2025-02-19
Posts: 2

Re: Can't stop NSM control of wi-fi, native Win wi-fi manager doesn't work

Ok, thanks, I'll try to figure out what's going on... in the meantime I'll keep using NSM smile
