NetSetMan 4.7.0 released! / Release Versions / NetSetMan Support

NetSetMan Support

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#1 2018-08-08 11:21

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,890

NetSetMan 4.7.0 released!

NetSetMan (Pro) 4.7.0 has been released!

The new NSM Tool "Connections (TCP/UDP)" helps you to analyze all open network connections on your system. All TCP and UDP connections for both IPv4 and IPv6 are listed with many helpful details. You'll be able to identify all processes talking to your network or the Internet.
As always we've also fixed several bugs that have been reported by users.

Full Changelog & Download:

Changelog 4.7.0:
- NEW Tool: TCP/UDP Connections (IPv4 & IPv6)
- Windows Tools menu items can now be disabled in NSM Administration
- Tool "Adapters Details" now shows modified and original MAC addresses 
- Fix: Version 4.6 had multiple issues with Windows XP
- Fix: Network Scanner remained enabled in Compact Mode even if
       NSM Tools were disabled in NSM Administration
- Fix: Reassigning NICs in AutoSwitch conditions for copied ini file
- Fix: Combining multiple error messages in NSM WiFi Management
- Fix: Global AutoSwitch options remained active with disabled AutoSwitch
- Fix: Error message in System Settings when changing the computer name
