NetSetMan 4.4.1 released! / Release Versions / NetSetMan Support

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#1 2017-06-20 20:01

NetSetMan Support
Registered: 2005-08-06
Posts: 1,890

NetSetMan 4.4.1 released!

NetSetMan (Pro) 4.4.1 has been released!

This is mainly a maintenance release that fixes all reported bugs. Additionally, we've also included a new AutoSwitch option that will help all those who have to move around an area with multiple access points that use a shared SSID. After enabling the new option, NetSetMan will make sure you're always connected to the access point with the strongest signal.

Changelog 4.4.1:
- NEW: AutoSwitch Option: "Automatically switch to the WiFi access point
       with the strongest signal (10% tolerance) of the current SSID"
- Fix: Closing running instances during setup failed in rare cases
- Fix: Reading current settings for Gateway and DNS auto/static
- Fix: Third-party VPN Client recognition failed for x64 clients
- Fix: Missing Shrew Soft VPN Client profiles with a dot in their name
- Fix: Some special characters in printer names weren't displayed correctly
- Fix: Wrong connection speed displayed in certain constellations
- AutoSwitch LAN/WiFi switcher now ignores manual NIC state changes
- If Windows reinstalls a NIC after a Windows or driver update, the old
  NIC references will now automatically be replaced with the new ones
