Versione attuale: A causa di una modifica incompatibile del certificato di firma del software, le versioni precedenti a 5.3.2 non possono essere aggiornate automaticamente. Pertanto, scaricare il file di configurazione più recente e installarlo come aggiornamento. I clienti della versione Pro possono trovarlo come di consueto nell'area clienti. (⇒ Changelog)
NetSetMan 5.1.0
Cosa c'è di nuovo in questa versione?
5.1.1 - 2022-02-15
- New: Context menu in WiFi Management for quick access to Enable/Disable
- New: Context menu in WiFi/AutoSwitch for quick log file/folder access
- Fix: Program settings might not have been saved after being changed
- Fix: Connected WiFi network possibly not displayed in TrayInfo
- Fix: System/Firewall status not applied correctly
- Fix: Download button in Update dialog inactive in certain constellations
- Fix: Update process for restricted user accounts
5.1.0 - 2022-02-05
- Windows 11 compatibility (21H2 build 22000)
- NEW: WPA3 and 802.11ax support for WiFi6 networks and profiles
- NEW: Unicode support for WiFi SSIDs (displaying, creating, connecting)
- NEW: Optional monochrome/outline style for tray icon (-> Preferences/Tray)
- NEW: "Refresh" item at the end of the network adapters list
- Fix: Performance issue in Windows 11 after accessing TrayInfo
- Fix: No more writing to settings file during shutdown to prevent rare data loss
- Fix: Connecting to a WiFi network with Error 87 in very rare cases
- Fix: Incomplete information for WiFi setting during profile activation
- Fix: Firewall notification and exceptions settings
- Fix: Automatic High-DPI scaling of icons in TrayMenu
- Fix: High-DPI scaling for profile tabs was incorrect in certain constellations
- Fix: Tray icon resolution with multiple monitors with different DPI settings
- Fix: StrongestSignalSwitch option with more than one wireless network adapter
- In TrayInfo the MAC address now also includes the original value if it was modified
- The Retry option on the activation dialog is now integrated in the split-button
- Improved compatibility with certain types of virtual and external network adapters
- Improved upgrade from version 4.x by ignoring empty profiles
- Improved compatibility of VLAN-ID for different types of network adapters
- Improved file dialogs with High-DPI support and other optimizations
- Reduced file size by 10%
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

- New: Context menu in WiFi Management for quick access to Enable/Disable
- New: Context menu in WiFi/AutoSwitch for quick log file/folder access
- Fix: Program settings might not have been saved after being changed
- Fix: Connected WiFi network possibly not displayed in TrayInfo
- Fix: System/Firewall status not applied correctly
- Fix: Download button in Update dialog inactive in certain constellations
- Fix: Update process for restricted user accounts
5.1.0 - 2022-02-05
- Windows 11 compatibility (21H2 build 22000)
- NEW: WPA3 and 802.11ax support for WiFi6 networks and profiles
- NEW: Unicode support for WiFi SSIDs (displaying, creating, connecting)
- NEW: Optional monochrome/outline style for tray icon (-> Preferences/Tray)
- NEW: "Refresh" item at the end of the network adapters list
- Fix: Performance issue in Windows 11 after accessing TrayInfo
- Fix: No more writing to settings file during shutdown to prevent rare data loss
- Fix: Connecting to a WiFi network with Error 87 in very rare cases
- Fix: Incomplete information for WiFi setting during profile activation
- Fix: Firewall notification and exceptions settings
- Fix: Automatic High-DPI scaling of icons in TrayMenu
- Fix: High-DPI scaling for profile tabs was incorrect in certain constellations
- Fix: Tray icon resolution with multiple monitors with different DPI settings
- Fix: StrongestSignalSwitch option with more than one wireless network adapter
- In TrayInfo the MAC address now also includes the original value if it was modified
- The Retry option on the activation dialog is now integrated in the split-button
- Improved compatibility with certain types of virtual and external network adapters
- Improved upgrade from version 4.x by ignoring empty profiles
- Improved compatibility of VLAN-ID for different types of network adapters
- Improved file dialogs with High-DPI support and other optimizations
- Reduced file size by 10%
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

3in1: Installazione completa, aggiornamento e NetSetMan portatile in un file!
Licenza: Freeware non commerciale
Data di uscita: 2025-03-05
Lingua: Multilingual
Per Windows: 7/8/10/11 (32/64 Bit)
Aggiornamento dalla versione 4.x?
NetSetMan è freeware per uso non commerciale.
Puoi usare NetSetMan gratuitamente finché non risparmi ore di lavoro retribuite. Qualsiasi uso commerciale (sul lavoro, su un notebook aziendale ecc.) necessita di una licenza NetSetMan Pro.
Per informazioni dettagliate, fare riferimento al NetSetMan - Contratto di licenza software