Versione attuale: A causa di una modifica incompatibile del certificato di firma del software, le versioni precedenti a 5.3.2 non possono essere aggiornate automaticamente. Pertanto, scaricare il file di configurazione più recente e installarlo come aggiornamento. I clienti della versione Pro possono trovarlo come di consueto nell'area clienti. (⇒ Changelog)
NetSetMan 5.2.0
Cosa c'è di nuovo in questa versione?
5.2.0 - 2023-03-01
- Windows 11 compatibility (22H2 build 22621)
- NEW: Profiles can now be sorted by name, date and activations
- NEW: Network Location Type: Private/Public (in "Driver" section)
- Fix: Wifi option "Switch to strongest signal" could accidentally be disabled
- Fix: Rare error at profile activation with logon screen option
- Fix: Update of summary after modifying IP values
- Fix: Certain types of VPN and PPP connections have not been shown in TrayInfo
- Fix: IPv6 addresses with separate column for prefix length
- Fix: Exported HTML files from Tools are now UTF8-encoded
- Fix (Pro): Proxy ports for SSL/FTP/Socks were not loaded correctly
- Weekly auto-backup of the settings file in local "Backup" subfolder
- OpenVPN connections now also in TrayInfo if PPP/VPN is enabled in Preferences
- Custom WiFi description from WiFi Management now also shown in TrayInfo
- TrayMenu WiFi quick connection SSID items now show additional details
in a tooltip (such as MAC address, channel, encryption, etc.)
- Subnet mask will now be treated as invalid and automatically replaced
- Improved debugging possibility
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

- Windows 11 compatibility (22H2 build 22621)
- NEW: Profiles can now be sorted by name, date and activations
- NEW: Network Location Type: Private/Public (in "Driver" section)
- Fix: Wifi option "Switch to strongest signal" could accidentally be disabled
- Fix: Rare error at profile activation with logon screen option
- Fix: Update of summary after modifying IP values
- Fix: Certain types of VPN and PPP connections have not been shown in TrayInfo
- Fix: IPv6 addresses with separate column for prefix length
- Fix: Exported HTML files from Tools are now UTF8-encoded
- Fix (Pro): Proxy ports for SSL/FTP/Socks were not loaded correctly
- Weekly auto-backup of the settings file in local "Backup" subfolder
- OpenVPN connections now also in TrayInfo if PPP/VPN is enabled in Preferences
- Custom WiFi description from WiFi Management now also shown in TrayInfo
- TrayMenu WiFi quick connection SSID items now show additional details
in a tooltip (such as MAC address, channel, encryption, etc.)
- Subnet mask will now be treated as invalid and automatically replaced
- Improved debugging possibility
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

3in1: Installazione completa, aggiornamento e NetSetMan portatile in un file!
Licenza: Freeware non commerciale
Data di uscita: 2025-03-05
Lingua: Multilingual
Per Windows: 7/8/10/11 (32/64 Bit)
Aggiornamento dalla versione 4.x?
NetSetMan è freeware per uso non commerciale.
Puoi usare NetSetMan gratuitamente finché non risparmi ore di lavoro retribuite. Qualsiasi uso commerciale (sul lavoro, su un notebook aziendale ecc.) necessita di una licenza NetSetMan Pro.
Per informazioni dettagliate, fare riferimento al NetSetMan - Contratto di licenza software