Versione attuale: A causa di una modifica incompatibile del certificato di firma del software, le versioni precedenti a 5.3.2 non possono essere aggiornate automaticamente. Pertanto, scaricare il file di configurazione più recente e installarlo come aggiornamento. I clienti della versione Pro possono trovarlo come di consueto nell'area clienti. (⇒ Changelog)
NetSetMan 4.6.0
Cosa c'è di nuovo in questa versione?
4.6.1 - 2018-03-20
- Activation log shows assigned IP addresses when DHCP was set
- Skipping activation of settings if they are currently already set
(To force re-initializing IP settings, set Adapter Status: Restart)
- "Waiting for network" only if there are other settings following
- "No network adapter selected" only shown if relevant in that profile
- Several improvements for command line activation
- Fix: LAN/Adapter settings showed an error even if completed successfully
- Fix: Incorrect value for "Enabled" status in Tools: Adapters Details
- Fix: Activation order when connecting to a WiFi network and restarting NIC
- Fix: Error 7000000F for WiFi connection if NIC not ready after changing IP
- Fix: Format of some details in the activation log
- Fix: Reading current Gateway value didn't work in certain cases
- Fix: Show only one System Up-Time in TrayInfo if Boot Time = Work Time
- Fix: Rare problem with -aw/-ah command line parameters
- Fix (Pro): Firefox Proxy option "Same proxy for all protocols"
- Fix (Pro): Cancelling profile activation while waiting for FF
4.6.0 - 2017-11-29
- NEW: "Public DNS Servers" list for quick access from the DNS context menu
Prefilled with the most common DNS servers, but fully customizable
- New method for the IPv6 feature for reading the current addresses
- Compatibility for Windows 10 version 1709 ("Fall Creators Update")
- Fix: WiFi debug file removed
- Fix: Skip delay if a program that is set to "Run once" is already running
- Fix: MAC address format in LAN/Adapter dialog
- Fix (Pro): Updating prepared NICs in settings file with NICLabel only
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

- Activation log shows assigned IP addresses when DHCP was set
- Skipping activation of settings if they are currently already set
(To force re-initializing IP settings, set Adapter Status: Restart)
- "Waiting for network" only if there are other settings following
- "No network adapter selected" only shown if relevant in that profile
- Several improvements for command line activation
- Fix: LAN/Adapter settings showed an error even if completed successfully
- Fix: Incorrect value for "Enabled" status in Tools: Adapters Details
- Fix: Activation order when connecting to a WiFi network and restarting NIC
- Fix: Error 7000000F for WiFi connection if NIC not ready after changing IP
- Fix: Format of some details in the activation log
- Fix: Reading current Gateway value didn't work in certain cases
- Fix: Show only one System Up-Time in TrayInfo if Boot Time = Work Time
- Fix: Rare problem with -aw/-ah command line parameters
- Fix (Pro): Firefox Proxy option "Same proxy for all protocols"
- Fix (Pro): Cancelling profile activation while waiting for FF
4.6.0 - 2017-11-29
- NEW: "Public DNS Servers" list for quick access from the DNS context menu
Prefilled with the most common DNS servers, but fully customizable
- New method for the IPv6 feature for reading the current addresses
- Compatibility for Windows 10 version 1709 ("Fall Creators Update")
- Fix: WiFi debug file removed
- Fix: Skip delay if a program that is set to "Run once" is already running
- Fix: MAC address format in LAN/Adapter dialog
- Fix (Pro): Updating prepared NICs in settings file with NICLabel only
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

3in1: Installazione completa, aggiornamento e NetSetMan portatile in un file!
Licenza: Freeware non commerciale
Data di uscita: 2025-03-05
Lingua: Multilingual
Per Windows: 7/8/10/11 (32/64 Bit)
Aggiornamento dalla versione 4.x?
NetSetMan è freeware per uso non commerciale.
Puoi usare NetSetMan gratuitamente finché non risparmi ore di lavoro retribuite. Qualsiasi uso commerciale (sul lavoro, su un notebook aziendale ecc.) necessita di una licenza NetSetMan Pro.
Per informazioni dettagliate, fare riferimento al NetSetMan - Contratto di licenza software