WiFi Manager for Windows 10/8/7
The best and easiest way to work with wireless networks in Windows is to use the NSM WiFi Management which is integrated in NetSetMan.
WiFi profiles can be created, edited, rearanged, deleted, exported, and imported. The Authentication and Encryption settings (WPA2, WPA, WEP, Shared, Open) as well as visibility, connection and ad-hoc settings can be freely adjusted.
WiFi networks that are in range can be analysed (MAC address, channel, RSSI, signal quality, etc.) and connected to.
Powerful, easy to use and everything at a glance!
Connect by MAC address Unique Feature!
Windows usually connects to wireless networks based on the SSID. If multiple access points share the same SSID, Windows groups them and connects you to the one with the best signal. However, sometimes you might want to connect to a specific access point. With NetSetMan you can do that!
The NetSetMan WiFi Management displays all available networks and access points without grouping them, so you can establish exactly the connection you want. You can add descriptions or background colors for specific access points, making it easier to distinguish between ambiguous network names.
If you want to connect to a specific wireless network when activating a NetSetMan profile, you can do so by adding its MAC address to the WiFi selection. Choose “Connect by MAC address...” and enter the MAC address of your choice. When activating the profile, NetSetMan will connect to the corresponding access point. Note, that you will still need to have a suitable WiFi profile configured on your system.

If you are already using NetSetMan, you are only one click away from this useful feature. Otherwise simply download the lightweight Non-Commercial Freeware and you will quickly understand why NetSetMan is often referred to as an indispensable Swiss army knife for networks!
Find out more about the leading network settings manager or watch the short introduction video on YouTube.